
Will Anna Duggar Divorce Josh Duggar?

Since 19 Kids & Counting star Josh Duggar’s scandal came to light, many have been questioning whether or not he and wife Anna will stay together. Well, now we are getting some details on their relationship status. Even though Josh Duggar’s wife claims she was aware of him molesting his sisters and other victims, she says that she could forgive that. Check out the video to find out what Anna thought of the Ashley Madison hack that exposed Duggar for cheating.

  • Duración: 00:54



Studio, Anna Duggar, Josh Duggar, 19 Kids & Counting, Anna Duggar Divorce, Josh Duggar Divorce, Anna Duggar Split, Josh Duggar Split, Anna Duggar Josh, Anna Duggar Break Up, Josh Duggar Break Up, Anna Duggar Family, Josh Duggar Family, Josh Duggar Rehab