THE SIMPSONS - Bart To The Future
por GuatafakVids
Lisa Simpson is the first female President of the United States. She inherited a serious budget crisis from her predecessor, Donald Trump.
- Duración: 01:59
- Casita del Terror XXVII - Muerte de Bart Simpson00:25
Dr.Pepper - Breaking Bart Simpsons Mashup Animations01:08
Jeziel... - Los Simpsons - El primer bullying fue el de Bart 199217:06
Nico - THE SIMPSONS Homer Lends Bart A Twenty from Diggs01:19
JoeCool - THE SIMPSONS Bart Ties A Perfect Halyard Cleat from The Wreck of the Relationship00:25
RobertFocus - The Simpsons Bart Betrays Milhouse from Yellow Badge of Cowardge00:55
--EmmAnueL-- - THE SIMPSONS Spinning Pinwheel from Days Of Future Future00:29