LEAKED - Emma Watson Singing 'Something There' BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
por Disney_Lover
Taped from a live-action singing Belle doll found in a Toys R' Us store, it provides a short preview of what fans can expect to hear when the full-length feature drops in 2017. Check out the clip below.
- Duración: 00:50
- La Bella y la Bestia - Comparación de trailer: antes y ahora (1991-2017)01:30
blxcmxgic - Beauty and the Beast - Emma Watson Singing 'Something There' (2017)00:32
Movies2Go - Emma Watson Sings as Belle in a 'Beauty and the Beast' First Listen02:30
Bet12Mex - La Bella y la Bestia - Detras de Escenas con Emma Watson04:53
EmmaW - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST TV Spot #5 - Golden Globes (2017)00:30
ViralVideos - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - Something There and More10:32
Wera - The Ellen Show: Emma Watson habla 'La Bella y la Bestia' y su primera premiere01:43