Atlanta artist Corey Barksdale, Love for a Girl and Art - Atlanta artist Corey Barksdale uses art to capture African American history, through color and emotion, saying, “A lot of my images are representative of the experiences that I have had and how I identify myself. These subjects reflect my community. The bold colors that I use have been with me since the beginning. Initially I focused on a few primary colors. Now I am blending them in different ways to create my secondary colors. I give the colors a different value or tone. Examples: blue is a darker tone, then red a mid-tone, orange is light, yellow even lighter, and white I use for highlights. So there is actually a system, and I use certain colors over and over. Using bright colors is part of my makeup. Much art from Africa utilizes some of the same color combinations that I use. So, it’s part of my DNA that I use these colors; it’s what seems natural.”
- Duración: 04:11
Atlanta Artist Corey Barksdale African American Fine Art
- Hermosos paisajes en nueces que parecen sacados de un cuento de hadas03:17
Francely - Arte de Chris Thomas00:11
NiniNoble - #HIPNOTIZANTE: Talentosa artista crea arte "fluido" que es increíblemente satisfactorio de ver03:02
ArnoldS. - #VIRAL: Artista se queda con los 86 mil dólares destinados para su exhibición y al acto de hurtar el dinero lo llamó “arte”02:06
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