Videos de Animales
Z57 presents Hello Donkey!
Z57 loves this attraction at the petting zoo, especially when they are very affectionate and love when you brush their fur. No complaints if they could take this one home with them! Do you have any experience with donkeys? If so let us know below. For more check out:
- Duración: 00:11
z57, z57 realestate, realestate, z57 complaints, complaints, donkey, hello donkey, affectionate donkey, petting zoo
- Swinging donkey01:01
kingmeta - Que extraño sonido hace este burro00:49
Ramo5ZZo - Meditacion de Burros01:46
Takaki - Increible Burro se echa un pedo00:32
tavito.tavo.56 - El ataque de los burros01:24
Kikin-_- - Burro calenturiento en la Playa00:25
V.E.P.VERYSTUPIDPEOPLE - Burro aprende como estacionarse paralelamente00:31