Videos de Animales

This Fish Looks Like Shrek

An unusual fish was found off a Japanese island — and the scaly creature bears an uncanny resemblance to lovable ogre Shrek. The fella%u2019s something called an Asian Sheepshead Wrasse. While the bulbous head is normal for the species, area divers claim this guy%u2019s goofy features and Shreky ears are anything but common. The fish is about 30 years old, making it possible he and Shrek were indeed separated at birth. Just wait: soon enough they%u2019ll be claiming there%u2019s a donkey out there who looks just like Donkey.

  • Duración: 00:34



fish, sea, ocean, looks, like, Sherek, unusual, Japanese, Japan, island, 30, years, old, making, possible, Fiona, Donkey, animals, animal