Falling Skies Trailer
Synopsis: “Noah Wyle stars as a former college professor who becomes the leader of a group of soldiers and civilians struggling against an occupying alien force. Moon Bloodgood co-stars as Anne Glass, a therapist who works with the surviving children to help them cope with the traumatic situation. The series also stars Drew Roy (Lincoln Heights) as Hal and Maxim Knight (Brothers & Sisters) as Matt, Tom%u2019s two sons; and Seychelle Gabriel (Weeds) as Lourdes, an orphaned teenager who helps run the group%u2019s commissary. Will Patton will play a recurring role as a fierce resistance fighter.” Sounds like a show with potential. Let%u2019s hope it won%u2019t be canceled after just one season! The TV series Falling Skies will premiere on TNT in June of 2011. :)
- Duración: 02:15
falling, skies, trailer, tv, series, TNT, premiere, june, 2011, synopsis
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