Videos Graciosos
Cat vs Ninja Rat
por omgvideos
"I was at a friend's house when suddenly I heard strange sounds behind me, we looked out and just saw an epic battle of a rat that was flying kicks, against a cat, the rest you can see in the video."
- Duración: 00:12
- Ninja y pelota (HUMOR)00:22
OMGMeta - Gato ninja vs Conejo00:16
Jorjito - Gato corre asustado por un ratón00:05
KeithU - #VIRAL - Ratón ninja vs Gato01:24
KittyCat - Gato vs rata gigante01:05
Lousito - Este gato y esta rata demuestran que todos podemos ser amigos00:24
KittyCat - #VIRAL - Rata sin miedo persigue y ataca a un gato00:32