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Exclusive:Belgian Cyclist Wouter Weylandt Dies In Giro d'Italia Crash !

May 09, 2011 [Wouter Weylandt: 1984-2011] Belgian cyclist Wouter Weylandt has died following a serious crash on the third stage of the Giro d'Italia cycle race. The 26-year-old came off his bike at high speed during a descent about 12m (20km) from the finish. Paramedics cut off his helmet and frantically attempted to resuscitate him as his body lay motionless by the roadside. Doctor Giovanni Trediciat said: "We arrived immediately as we were behind his group. He was unconscious with a fracture of the skull base and facial damage.

  • Duración: 02:21



News & Politics, cycling , giro, d'italia , Cyclist, Wouter , Weylandt , Belgium's , Belgian , Dies , In , Giro , d'Italia , Crash