
X-Men: First Class REJECTS (Movie Trailer Official)

You've met the First Class, Now meet the morons who didn't make the cut. When the real X Men can't be bothered, you gotta call in the rejects. The B Squad! Award winning comedy troupe The Cool Table along with Red Cube Pictures brings you the official trailer for the most anticipated fake movie about the X Men ever.

  • Duración: 04:23



Comedy , X Men 4 , X Men B Squad , X Men first class, X Men evolution , x men 4 , Marvel , X Men Destiny trailer, nice peter , Epic Rap Battles of History , Annoying Orange Darth Vader Vs Hitler , Lloyd Alquist , Epic Lloyd , Thor trailer , Captain America Movie , Captain America newest trailer , X Men Spoof , Dead Pool Movie Trailer , X Men spoof Cool Table Comedy , X Men 5 Marvel