LRADAC cares for the needs of the citizens of Lexington and Richland Counties of South Carolina. We offer a wide array of prevention, intervention and treatment programs in locations convenient to residents of both counties. With a dedicated staff and innovative programs and services, LRADAC takes a proactive approach to fighting addiction and drug abuse in our schools, businesses and neighborhoods. We tailor our programs to meet the ever-changing needs of the communities we serve. Our prevention, intervention and treatment programs spread the message that there is hope and that substance abuse and addiction are preventable and treatable. LRADAC is a non-profit agency. We are also one of 33 county alcohol and drug abuse authorities recognized by the state of South Carolina. This network of direct service agencies provides prevention, intervention and treatment programs to citizens in all 46 counties of the state. Each year, more than 50,000 South Carolinians receive direct intervention and/or treatment services through the county authorities. Last year, LRADAC alone served more than 5,000 clients.
- Duración: 06:45
profilesseries , drug addiction , drug abuse , family problem , medical treatment , LRADAC, south Carolina
- Falling In Reverse - "The Drug In Me Is Reimagined"05:49
Maizeno - Affordable Residential Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center04:21
grr - Real World star battled drug and alcohol addiction Joey Kovar Dead00:31
Apocalipsis2012 - Drug Lab Take-Down03:01
tilno50 - Inside Iran's Growing Drug Problem01:33
OMGMeta - Patient Testimonial on EFT Tapping Technique For Drug Addiction02:13
powellcalvinss - Charlie Sheen the next drug02:02