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Pope washes the feet of 12 youths including two girls the juvenile prison

Pope Francisco continues to amaze the world today on the occasion of Holy Thursday and Feet Washing, attended youth jail to wash the feet of 12 young people, including a 2 girls

  • Duration: 01:48



Pope washes the feet of 12 youths, including two girls, the juvenile prison, Pope, Poe Francis, nerws, Holy Week, Holy Thursday, Feet washing, 12 young people, youth Jail, The Vatican, Rome, Vatican, 2013, El Papa lava los pies a 12 jóvenes, entre ellos 2 chicas, de la cárcel de menores, Papa Francisco, Jueves Santo, Semana Santa, El Vaticano, lavatorio de Pies, lavan los pies de 12 jovenes