
Laying the SmackDown on Her Candy Ass! - Get Her Number!

Help us out by reposting this on as many forums/blogs as you can! WWE / WWF catchphrases used: 1. Finally, The Rock has come back to [city] -- The Rock 2. If you smell what The Rock is cookin' -- The Rock 3. It doesn't matter what your name is -- The Rock 4. Suck it -- D Generation X 5. Know your role and shut your mouth -- The Rock 6. You can't see me -- John Cena 7. Lay the SmackDown on your candy ass -- The Rock 8. Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'? -- The Rock 9. Five time, five time, five time, five time, five time WCW champion -- Booker T 10. Spinerooni -- Booker T 11. Rest in peace - Undertaker 12. It's true, it's damn true -- Kurt Angle 13. Jabroni -- The Rock 14. Snap into a Slim Jim -- Randy "the Macho Man" Savage 15. The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be -- Bret Hart 16. We totally reek of awesomeness -- Edge and Christian 17. Can you dig it, sucka? -- Booker T 18. You will go one on one with the great one -- The Rock 19. Poontang pie -- The Rock 20. Never... eeeeeeeeever be the same again -- Chris Jericho (Y2J) 21. What? -- Stone Cold Steve Austin 22. (People's eyebrow) -- The Rock 23. Devon, get the tables! -- Dudley Boyz 24. Testify my brother! -- Dudley Boyz

  • Duración: 04:44



Comedy, wrestling , catch , phrases , memes , meme , simple , pick , up j, ason , kong , jesse, penis , clothes c, lothing, matter , flirt , girls , dating , king , artist , pua , simplepickup , double , asian , guy , attraction , attract , how , to , get , women , woman , girl , infield , in , field funny , stand , comedy , entertainment , humor , joke , nightlife , laughs , interview , jokes, advice , hilarious , tips , talking , smackdown , silly , prank , humour, laughing